Views from my Topsail Beach studio
I have been drawing or painting for as long as I can remember. I majored in Art Education at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro but I didn’t pursue painting full time until I had raised my family of five and finally had time that I could call my own. To reboot my art skills, I took a number of workshops and lessons. I had never painted in oils before so I decided to try my hand at them about five years ago at a wonderful event we have every Fall in Raleigh, NC that is sponsored by Jerry’s Artarama and is called “Art of the Carolinas.” They bring in artists from all over the country and offer workshops in all sorts of mediums often providing all of the materials needed for the workshop. They also have one of the biggest trade shows in the country and sell everything you need for art at the lowest prices of the year. After my first oil workshop (and substantial purchase at the trade show!) I was hooked. I have been painting regularly since then. I have also taught numerous classes in watercolor, watercolor journaling and oils.